There are many reasons to use your own song as a ringtone. Maybe you want something that’s just yours, maybe you’re making it for someone else! here is a method download song for ringtone.
Step download song for ringtone
To get started, open your music player and navigate through the menus until you reach the ”File” or ”Edit” sections. This will vary depending on which MP3 player you use.
Once inside, look for the option to save or export your audio file to your phone. This might be called ”Save As…”, ”Export…”, or even just ”Send”, but whatever it’s called, this is the option that will allow us to send our file to our phones. The menu should also give you an idea of large (in megabytes) your file is, so choose the smallest version you can find.
Once you’ve chosen your file, it’s time to actually get it onto your phone! You’re probably already connected to your computer using a USB cable, but chances are that this connection serves some other purpose (like charging). Don’t worry though; we just need to tap into that same connection in order to transfer our song!
When plugging in your phone for the first time, some options will pop up on screen with your phone asking what you’d like it to do. This varies from model to model, but under ”USB Connection”, look for an option called ”Mass Storage”. If you do see this option anywhere, highlight it and press ”Select”.
This should open up a new folder with the name of your phone. Go into this folder and you’ll see all of the storage available on your phone, including how many files it contains (and consequently, how much free space you have). Congratulations! You now have total access to everything on your phone.
Now that you’ve switched to Mass Storage mode, plug your phone back in and wait for it to make the connection again. Windows might pop up some warnings about drivers being installed or not found; if so, select ”Install”. If nothing happens or if these options are greyed out, skip ahead to Troubleshooting.
Once you’re connected properly, go back to your music player and copy/drag the file from its location on your music player into the phone. You can put it anywhere you like; we recommend in a folder named ”Ringtones”.
Once your song is copied over, unplug your phone and go back to its main menu. There should still be a mass storage connection there (if not, re-connect and try again). With the connection open and viewing your device’s memory, navigate to where you saved or chose to save the file you just sent from your computer. Highlight this file and press ”Select”, then close the windows for both devices (music player and phone). Your ringtone is now set!
While transferring files back and forth between your computer Android, Windows might pop up some warnings about drivers or device compatibility. This varies between models and operating systems, but the easiest fix is usually just to go ahead and let it install its own connected device drivers.
If Windows gives you an error about the driver not being compatible with your device, you will need to download a new set of off-brand (or OEM) drivers that are made specifically for your Android version.
These third-party drivers should work even if they don’t show up in the compatibility list, so try them first before trying another solution!
Now that you’ve got your music ready to go as a ringtone, check out our other article on setting custom ringtones .